Storage Payments

Smarter, Faster... Archer

For Self-Storage Management, delinquencies are a recurring problem. Late storage payments can create major cash flow issues and trigger a seemingly endless and painful collection cycle. With the collection process being a major pain point, from legal fees to countless hours spent chasing your money, the traditional process is inefficient, ineffective and outdated.

 With Archer, our proprietary technology provides Self-Storage Management with two innovative ways to reduce delinquencies and improve cash flow – all while saving money!

Target Analysis

Traditional hunting of delinquent renters can be time consuming and expensive, with no guarantee of bringing home that prize buck. With Archer's Target Analysis, our technology determines which renters have the ability to pay their delinquent storage payments so you spend less time and money. Did someone say "bull's-eye?"

Credit Reporting

Rewarding timely storage payments, while putting some bite into delinquencies. Credit Reporting with Archer gives you a sharper arrow when it comes to storage payments by reporting positive and negative storage payments to your renter's credit. Finally, a way for Self-Storage Management to give credit where credit is due!



  • Reduce delinquencies
  • Increase portfolio value
  • Less expensive process


  • Higher credit scores
  • Build credit faster
  • Lower your interest rates

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Calling all Management Companies, Law Firms and Landlords!

Stop shooting arrows in the dark. It’s time to take a targeted approach to delinquencies, with Archer. Are you ready to reduce delinquencies and recovery spend, while improving cash flow? Contact us to get started!

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